This sparkly new dashboard is going to be really exciting for you our organizers; getting you closer to the data you need to make your event a success. It will help you get make the most of both the web and mobile platform of Grip. You’ll be getting insights you need at regular intervals, so you can take quick action to drive engagement, and get your participants booking meetings!
Data insights across web and mobile
This new insights dashboard will replace the existing ‘insights’ in the organiser dashboard and showcase data insights across web and mobile app. Updated every 2 hours, you can track insights across: participant activation; networking; meetings; sessions; stream views; searches & filters; banner ads; badge scans and much more over time.
This dashboard will help you answer questions such as:
- When are my participants activating and on which platform?
- Are my participants engaging with event content/sessions?
- Are my participants connecting with one another; who has the most connections?
- Are my participants engaging with one another and having successful meetings?
- Are my meeting locations nearing capacity?
- What are my participants searching for?
- How many participants are using badge scanning?
- How many clicks are unique banner ads receiving?
And much more…
Summary of insights
Active participants Drill into platform activation by event day, platform and data type
Networking actions Investigate the number of 'interested actions' that were taken within an event and what participants, companies and items were the most popular.
Meetings A deep dive into the accepted, pending and declined meetings by data type and day. Plus, a meeting location capacity.
Session engagement Assess session feedback and session interest
Stream views Track average watch time
Searches and filters Analyze the most common search terms and filters
Banner ad engagement Measure the performance of your sponsor ads
Badge scans Assess scanning activity by profile type and view granular scan records
We’re really excited about this release, knowing the impact it will have on our customers; helping them make the most of the Grip platform!
New insights will be added regularly in tune with new feature developments. We can’t wait to help you make data-driven decisions, helping you understand your events better to make your events even better!